Renga – Grip (qbit/Jilly)

To understand the curl that distance
makes with homesick fingers,

To itch beyond calamine,
cursed out of your name,

By the flat of a shovel
struck into dirt.

Arthritic with weeds that
rash from your mouth,

Your voice staccato,
tattoo of mothers and thistles

Can’t brand deep enough;
you start and end with blood.



Conspirators: qbit, Jilly

24 thoughts on “Renga – Grip (qbit/Jilly)

  1. I like the originality of this and the freshness you conjure with your words – every stanza here both sparkles and bristles… I shall be back for more…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks. It’s pretty simple. Throw out a line or two, and take turns. Lots of fun to read the comments as it progresses. We did this one in Google Docs, but we’ve done plenty in-line in the comments. Throw out a starter and I’ll set up a post! Sometimes we’ve done three and four people!

      Liked by 1 person

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