TSM 160

Fun Facts in today's paper,
an obituary from 125 years ago –
one Lottie Porte , 21,
"for whom the Angel of Death
has brought her spirit welcome release."

I think yes, that is it, exactly,
no soft "passing" –
when I go, leave me to a winged avenger
with her flaming sword,
my mortal coil severed at a stroke.

Do not then write about me gently –
leave my shadow spiked
on the sharp hands of midnight,
my last hours and minutes
spear tips pointed to the sky.

Thank you Lottie, may you rest in peace,
you lead me to the gate
where a language of dying swings –
leave me now to mourn and grieve
the loss.

The Sunday Muse

19 thoughts on “TSM 160

  1. That Death has his angels is indeed a relief, that they are merciless and yet merciful a comforting contradiction. I love how you caught up the spiked fence of the photo in your imagery. I also saw it that way, as something piercing and final. As always, a pleasure to read you, qbit.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love every line of this piece, but this really struck me..
    “Do not then write about me gently –
    leave my shadow spiked
    on the sharp hands of midnight,
    my last hours and minutes
    spear tips pointed to the sky.”

    Liked by 2 people

  3. “leave my shadow spiked
    on the sharp hands of midnight,
    my last hours and minutes
    spear tips pointed to the sky.”
    Reminds me Dali.

    Unreally beautiful and sorrowful in its defiance.

    Liked by 2 people

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