
My old mercury tooth-fillings
are antennae the exact radio frequency of Howdy Doody
and Home on the Range cowboy stations
out of Durango, signals bouncing
madness from the ionosphere into my jaw.

The Science Lady tells us bull elephant tusks
and buffalo horns
resonate with satellites,
GPS sending them howling 
in stampede Sputnik frenzies.

Blue whale ribs
channel Fipper reruns –
that chortling song on deep sea recordings
are laugh tracks sounding
until all is darkness in the Mariana Trench.

Creatures with drowsy engines upside down
playing trombone bones, playing the bones bones,
nuclear test TV patterns spread their
Hiroshima wings –
I dream of Jeannie.

Yet remember our awe at that flight of the gannets? 
Thousands-upon-thousands wireline seabirds horizon-to-horizon,
returning to their single rock in Novia Scotia –
a nanometer silica of longitude & latitude
nesting between the waves.

What God do they know that I do not?
I who stumble home, not by Creation's let there be light,
but by a tin voice in my pocket –
"You have arrived at your destination."
when nothing could be further from the truth.

For Shay’s Word Garden

17 thoughts on “Walkie-Talkie

  1. Wow. I don’t know what was on your Malto Meal this weekend, but we’ll have the Maypo you’re having. Sheesh! Where to even start? The whole idea of all the old shows resonating through teeth and ribs, right out of the very bones, is great, but you take it beyond the clever and straight through the gut starting with the gannets. Qbit swings and the left fielder doesn’t even move, it’s over his head, over the monster, over everything and splashes down on Lansdowne Street. Will he tip his cap or are his bones picking up Teddy Ballgame bounced off of Roy Hobbs via T S Eliot? Whatever this is, we’re soaking in it.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you so much! Let me check the cereal box, might have been Ted Williams and Charles Bukowski special edition. Wait, what? They put CBD oil in the Wheaties now??? Woah, that explains a lot!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Well, this was a delight to read with a few blasts from the past. How I loved Howdy Doody! And I used to know all the words to “Home on the Range.” And then there is “I Dream of Jeanie,” a show I had forgotten! Cleverly contrived.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Us humans wander and indeed are lost. I love the way this has a light feel to it, but yet is truly deeper in nature. The ending is spot on!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. As always, qbit, you take words to their extremity of playfulness only to make a serious point, an adult playing with alphabet blocks in a code that a child invented. These images and metaphors resonate with the absurdity behind modern constructs that infect our brains from childhood with their distractions and artificialities. Wonderful writing. (This is hedgewitch, signing off, in case my phone doesn’t let you know.)

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yeah, I always feel that if I have arrived, why did I have to leave in the first place?

    Your poem carries more than word play — it sneaks in when you aren’t looking.

    The last two stanzas are pure poetry; Randall at his best. The others are good, but these are gooder.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. This one catches you off guard – it seems like musings and memories until you hit the gannets and God and ask essential questions. Great writing!

    Liked by 2 people

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