MWA 1951-2024

After Lorca – Of the Dark Doves

The night you died
there were two stones
in the kitchen
One was a wolf
one was a cat
One had its throat in the grave
one was twice as sorry
There are three ceremonies
a chamber where ash is asleep
and a jar of blood
Slicked, I slip on pearls
you rolled like dice
before heaven’s gate
before swine
Your last words to me
two stones fatted for sacrifice
Two calves
with stones in their throats
You were three times prodigal
then you were none
Wine poured slick like blood
cut from a howl
I am a wolf at your grave
without a voice
Two times you died
One was a sorrow
and both were none

For Shay’s Word Garden & Ruby Tuesday

17 thoughts on “MWA 1951-2024

  1. Did you know that Lorca’s poem is on a stand-alone page at my blog? I adore that poem and you could not have chosen a better inspiration. Little Red Qbithood, you sure are writin’ good. Awoooooooo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your poem is as much a conundrum as Lorca’s – and amazingly so! I like your response to it – especially the close lines – unexpected and astounding.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is so intriguing! I read it twice and then noticed the reference to Lorca. And then I read Lorca’s poem 3 times and enjoyed the links. Now i have read your poem another 4 or 5 times. Each time a different concept catches my attention. I love the lines “Wine poured slick like blood / cut from a howl”. I love the way it seamlessly seems to move from stones to creatures and back. It is mysterious and dark as dried blood. You should definitely link this to the rabbit’s April 2th prompt as well. It’s perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

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